Welcome To

Brighter road R&D

About Us

Solving tough problems with bright solutions.

BrighterRoad R&D Inc. is a new Research and developing firm operating out of Murray Corner, New Brunswick Canada. Specializing in rapid prototyping technologies, advanced micro-controller programming, user interface design, and automation.

BrighterRoad is focused on advancing open-source technologies by contributing, building upon, and promoting the wealth of resources these open source communities and movements are providing.    


BrighterRoad would be honored to share our developments and ideas and contribute in anyway we can to your projects. We offer a number of development services and use the proceeds to further our own R&D.

Software development

We code for the Web, python, c++, bash and a number of scripts and libraries. Contact us about the project and we’ll help find and build the best solution for you.

UI Design

Whether you are looking for a hardware or software solution we can help.  

3d Printing/Milling and assembling.

We’ll print and assemble any project you find online. We also offer assistance and troubleshooting if your stuck or experiencing difficulties. Send us your broken and we’ll fix it and ship it back.

Brighter Research Brighter Development Brighter Road to the Future


Pushing the limits of tomorrows technology

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Print with little project aims to build a 3d printer with the least resources necessary and demonstrate it’s usefulness in reducing poverty by manufacturing essential goods with 100% recycled material.

preeria home, passive house, 3d printed home-1820916.jpg

P3dc is a collaborative effort between TSI Construction and BrighterRoad R&D to showcase the environmental and economical potential of Cementitious 3D construction printing. Our goal is to develop and test a large scale concrete 3D Printer then demonstrate its capabilities by constructing a completed proof of concept low cost housing unit in the Maritimes.

InMoov is the first Open Source 3D printed life-size robot.
Replicable on any home 3D printer with a 12x12x12cm area, it is conceived as a development platform for Universities, Laboratories, Hobbyist, but first of all for Makers.
It’s concept, based on sharing and community, gives him the honor to be reproduced for countless projects through out the world.


Get involved by, hiring us for our services, partnering with us or contributing to our projects.